Treasures of Nature

Hay fever – Ease the Sneeze!

Help ease Hay fever the natural way…

The hay fever (allergic rhinitis) season is well underway bringing with it streaming, itchy eyes, runny nose and a general feeling of misery. This year seems particularly bad and a few people have asked what can they do to ease the irritating symptoms without taking over the counter remedies.
Treasures of Nature can make Aroma Inhalers for hay fever. These can be tailored to your own symptoms and used as often throughout the day. The inhalers are completely safe and natural using only the highest grade organic essential oils.
Inhalers are priced at £7 and will last approximately 12 weeks depending on usage. Refills are £3.50

I have been asked on a number of occasions, “Is there anything I can do to help my hay fever without taking over the counter medicines?” So I wanted to draw up a list of suggestions which you may wish to use alone or incorporate alongside Treasures of Nature Aroma Inhalers.  All are natural, safe and may bring some much needed relief. Choose the method OR method you feel drawn to.

  1. Chamomile tea bags – soak the teabags and remove excess water. Refrigerate and apply to eyes. Helps to soothe and reduce itchiness and inflammation.
  2. Wear sunglasses – if possible to help reduce the amount of pollen entering your eyes.
  3. Showering – helps to remove pollen.
  4. Salt therapy – salt lamps help remove pollen in the air. Ensure you buy the best quality Himalayan salt lamps. Himalayan Salt inhalers are also helpful for other respiratory problems.
  5. Try and source local honey. If possible try and use in your diet the 3 months leading up to the start of the hay fever season.
  6. Avoid dairy products which create more mucus in the airways.
  7. Eating foods particularly high in vitamin C may help congestion and improve your immune system.
  8. Drink 2 litres of pure water to help clear mucus
  9. Try using Haymax balm or Vaseline under your nostrils to help prevent pollen floating up into the nasal cavity.
  10. Shut windows at night and first thing in the morning to try and limit the amount of pollen entering your home.
  11. Boost your immune system with antioxidants. Free radicals in the body can cause your immune system to struggle making you more susceptible to Hay fever.
  12. Reflexology – This is a complimentary therapy that works on pressure points on the feet. This can bring helpful relief in controlling Histamine produced in the body.
  13. Aromatherapy – Alongside Treasures of Nature Aroma Inhalers, essential oils can be used in many ways to help ease that sneeze! Particularly useful oils include Chamomile, Peppermint, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Lavender and Melissa. Essential oils are extremely powerful so please do not apply direct to your skin or ingest. Always consult a qualified aromatherapist such as myself before using essential oils if pregnant or on any medication. 
 If you wish to enquire about Aromatherapy blends which can be made for use in massage/baths/diffusers then please contact myself and we can discuss further.